
The list of articles, whether published or unpublished

Authors Article title Published at Post date
Anthony Orji Your job or your health? Analysis of unemployment issues and health outcomes in Nigeria 2020/09/30
Etleva Bajrami The impact of public debt on economic growth in Albania 2020/09/30
Abubakar Baba Bashir Energy consumption, production and environmental pollution in Nigeria 2020/09/30
Mihai Diaconescu Some considerations regarding the new trends in marketing approaches 2020/09/30
Maria Nitu The Connection between Corruption and the Underground Economy- An Obstacle on Innovation and Development of the... 2020/07/10
Iulia Oana Florea Money Laundering Through Cryptocurrencies 2020/07/10
Mihaela-Sorina Dumitrescu The Fight against Terrorism in the European Union 2020/07/10
Risanty Does Business Ethics Affect Good Corporate Governance? Experience from Indonesian State-Owned Enterprise 2020/07/10
Robert Dobre Artificial Intelligence Sector: The Next Technology Bubble? A Comparative Analysis with Dotcom Based on Stock Market... 2020/07/10
Victor Danciu The Global Value Chain in Coronavirus Era: An Impact Approach 2020/07/10
Corina-Mihaela Petre (Răşineanu) The Villages with Fortified Churches in the South of Transylvania - Tourism and Economic Potential 2020/04/03
Maria Nițu The Economic-Financial Crime of the 21st Century 2020/04/03
Alexandra Micu Risk Assessment in Banking Reorganization 2020/04/03
Alina Neamtu (Idorasi) Creating Effective Customer Solutions – a Global Perspective 2020/04/03
Popogbe Oluwaseyi Agriculture Financing and Growth Performance in Nigeria: Pre-2000 and Post-2000 Analyses 2020/04/03
Ozan Gülhan Determinants of the Informal Economy in EU Countries 2020/04/03
Bogdan Bazgă Analyzing the Importance of Food Security for the Romanian Economy 2019/12/20
Oana Mădălina Popescu The impact of Terrorist Attacks on the World Economy. Stock Market Case Study 2019/12/17
Ionel Preda Calculation of Life Cycle Costs in Green Procurement of Passenger Cars from Romania 2019/12/17
Mustafa Ünlü Overtıme ın the Prıvate Sector ın Turkey: an Analyze by Tobıt Model 2019/12/17
