Organizational Stress for Retail Store Employees in Romania Is Spa Tourism a Solution?

Aluculesei, Alina - Cerasela
Mahika, Elena - Cristina
Rădulescu, Răzvan
Nistoreanu, Puiu
Publication date: 
JEL codes: 
J20 - General, L83 - Sports; Gambling; Recreation; Tourism.
The term organizational stress appeared with people’s lifestyle and job evolution and it is used to show the direct link between the work environment and the employee’s wellbeing or health. This concept exists in all countries, and measures taken to decrease its effects are becoming increasingly more obvious. Such measures are being implemented in Romania also and, given the country’s high spa tourism potential, treatment programs in spa resorts would be the most obvious measures to decrease organizational stress and recover employee productivity. This study aims to address the main concepts related to organizational stress and to present the main benefits related to treatment of organizational stress in Romanian spa resorts. This research was carried out on 101 retail store employees of a supermarket chain. This job, due the requirements, is associated with high levels of stress. The data were processed using the Epi Info statistical software. From the analysis we conducted resulted that the employees we questioned have a low degree of personal satisfaction – in 57% of cases, declaring that their lifestyle since employment as retail store employees is less healthy, with fewer outdoor recreational activities - 65%. In regards to the presence of organizational stress, there are various associated symptoms, with correlation between headaches and increased heart rate (p value=0, 003), insomnia (p value = 0, 006) or back pain (p value=0, 042).
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