Integrarea organizaţiei în mediul său social – premisă a creşterii performanţei sale economice

Gangone, Andreea Daniela
Publication date: 
JEL codes: 
A13 - Relation of Economics to Social Values, L21 - Business Objectives of the Firm, M14 - Corporate Culture; Social Responsibility.
Throughout the history, all economic organizations have undergone a continuous transformation process, supplementing their melange of responsibilities. This process has been gradually carried out, by assuming organizational responsibilities to new categories of partners interested in the results of its activity. Therefore, we get to a business world willing to satisfy exclusively the investors’ needs, to an economic world interested in bringing its contribution to increase quality of life for the entire human society. This evolution has led to a new organizational policy, which is the social policy. Presently, the social policy of an organization does not administrate its social responsibility initiatives exclusively, but also more complex aspects regarding organizational ethics, environment protection, and professional development of their employees. More than that, the fierce competition that characterizes contemporary economy favorized the transformation of the social policy into a very efficient strategic instrument for increasing organizational competitiveness.
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