Call for Papers - Anniversary Issue, December 2018

The ongoing year 2018 marks probably one of the most important events in the history of the Romanian people, the union of Transylvania with Romania (called the Kingdom of Romania back then) that happened exactly one hundred years ago, on December 1, 1918, after the ending of the First World War, as chosen by the assembly of the delegates of all the people living in the former Austro-Hungarian province.
Needless to mention, given the importance of the union in the collective mindset of the Romanian people during the last century, we here at the Romanian Economic Journal welcome the second half of the current year as a good opportunity to release a special issue dedicated to this special event of our national history.
Thus, we invite you to submit your papers for the anniversary issue of Romanian Economic Journal until 30 November 2018
The topic(s) of interests for the submitted papers should be relevant to the main theme briefly discussed above:

 History and economic history with the main highlight Romania
 Diplomacy and its role in Romanian history during the 20th century
 International trade and economic diplomacy
 Romania in the EU in the 21th century
 The importance of the interwar period in shaping the future of Europe

We are kindly inviting you to send your valuable scientific contributions to the e-mail address