
The list of articles, whether published or unpublished

Authors Article title Published at Post date
Kovacic, Art The Competitiveness Evaluation of CEE Countries 2008/09/01 2014/04/14
Gruici, Cernat Bogdan An Overview on the Romanian M&A Market during the Recent Financial Crisis 2010/09/01 2014/04/14
Vlachý, Jan Assessing and Negotiating Commercial Contracts 2010/09/01 2014/04/14
Smrčka, Luboš Less Obvious Risks of High State Indebtedness 2010/09/01 2014/04/14
Schneider, Robert Capital-Protected Structured Bonds 2010/09/01 2014/04/14
Tudor, Cristiana Modelarea volatilităţii seriilor de timp prin modele GARCH simetrice 2008/12/01 2014/04/14
Comşa, Petre Economie şi Religie. O perspectivă personalistă 2008/12/01 2014/04/14
Drăghici, Alina Teoria firmei reţea. O abordare critică 2008/12/01 2014/04/14
Belu, Mihaela Dimensiunea interculturală în rezolvarea conflictelor 2008/12/01 2014/04/14
Săvoiu, Gheorghe Some Methods for Developing Economy through Resources’ Restrictions in the Contemporary Crisis 2008/12/01 2014/04/14
Grabias, Izabela Pruchnicka Private Equity in Poland and in Other Countries of Central and Eastern Eu rope – the Present State – and Perspectives... 2008/12/01 2014/04/14
Muresan, Maria Romania’s Integration in COMECON. The Analysis of a Failure 2008/12/01 2014/04/14
Jivan, Alexandru Penetrating Beyond Forms in Modelling. A Core Sample 2008/12/01 2014/04/14
Iordache, Emilia Risk mapping in the customs field 2008/12/01 2014/04/14
Tudor, Cristiana Understanding the Roots of the US Subprime Crisis and its Subsequent Effects 2009/03/01 2014/04/14
Săvoiu, Gheorghe Could be the International Financial Crisis a Sinonim to a Profound Recession of Romanian Economy? A Theory of “Weak”... 2009/03/01 2014/04/14
Donath, Liliana Eva The current financial crisis revisited. Causes and remedies. 2009/03/01 2014/04/14
Neguţ, Silviu Tensiunile şi reaşezările de pe scena mondială ca factori ce influenţează criza mondială 2009/03/01 2014/04/14
Jora, Octavian Dragomir Expansiunea creditului si "economia în trei timpi". Despre boom -crisis-bust în cazul subprime 2009/03/01 2014/04/14
Gaftoniuc, Simona Reinventarea băncilor 2009/03/01 2014/04/14
